Rajendra Naik from Odisha is part of Hemagiri Adivasi Ekta Manch in Sundargarh. He has been working to provide basic rights and entitlements along with addressing the issues of land acquisition. He is working to empower the tribal communities on the environmental law with the support from Center for Policy Research, New Delhi & CIRTD, Sundargarh. With the support of Hemagiri Adivasi Ekta Manch and Samata he is endeavoring to build regular pressure on regulatory authorities on the issue of dust pollution caused by heavy transportation of minerals without complying the environmental clearance conditions. He is involved in facilitating the Gram sabha to process community forest rights and individual forest rights. He is organising regular trainings with the displacement communities, forest dwellers and mining affected communities on environmental laws like Environment Impact Assessment, Environment Clearance procedure, Water Pollution Act 1974 and Air Pollution Act 1981, LARR Act 2013, FRA Act 2006. He is also involved in collection, Analysis and verification of the secondary information on mining activities and other development activities like mining plan, environment management plan, plantation under CAMPA, compliances of the conditions as stated in EIA etc. He aims to build a constituency of people who are legally empowered to not only ask for remedies but also craft these remedies with the knowledge from their lived experiences of these impacts.